Tuesday, February 18, 2020

SHORT REVIEW: Troop Zero (2019)

Review: roop Zero was a real surprise. I didn’t have much expectations going in, but the movie still wow’d me and swooped me off my feet with it’s warmth and oddball charm. All the girls (and boy) of Troop Zero are misfits who don’t really fit in with society. Set in 1977 rural Georgia. Troop Zero is a coming-of-age story about a gifted young girl with an ambitious dream to get her voice recorded for the Voyager Golden Record. Her determination leads her to form a troop of unlikely underdog misfits with the goal of infiltrating the Birdie Jubilee and winning the competition. But through it all, the kids learn the most valuable lesson one can learn in youth. The power of friendships, and forming bonds. Troop Zero has an earnest heart that is bursting with energy and joy, and one cannot watch it without feeling some of that energetic emotion. I’m not crying, YOU ARE!

Rating: 8/10